How to Get US Phone Number (Virtual Number) for Free

If you’re not physically in US, getting a US phone number is not an easy matter. A US phone number marks your virtual presence in the United States, and sometimes it’s necessary for purchasing through online stores or to register for web services. Good news is that getting a free US phone number is getting easier nowadays. Here’s a few services that give out free US phone number, which allows user to receive free incoming calls, receive free incoming SMS text messages, and make outgoing calls or send outgoing SMS text messages at low fee or even free especially within US.

TextFree with Voice:

If you have you iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, you can get a free US mobile phone number via TextFree. With TextFree number, users get free unlimited texting and picture messaging (MMS) from iOS devices or MMS. Calls between TextFree clients are always free, so does free incoming calls. In addition, users can earn free minutes for calling.

Install TextFree with Voice from iTunes App Store.


TextNow provides free unlimited texting (SMS) with picture messaging (MMS) support on iOS devices. TextNow users can choose between a username or real phone number at no extra cost. Simply choose an area code and your new number will be assigned, and if you’re unsatisfied with the number, just release the number and get a new one again. Texting to any mobile in US is free. With a TextNow phone number, users can enable voice calling, call forwarding and voicemail on iPod, iPad or iPhone.

Install TextNow from iTunes App Store.


TextPlus provides dedicated textPlus phone number for texting (SMS) with support for group multi-way text. Text sent to more carriers in USA and Canada or between textPlus numbers is free. Standard message rates apply if you enable Regular Text Notifications in Account Settings.

TextPlus is available for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch through iOS App Store and Android through Android Market, significantly makes available its offerings to larger audience.